Information for Families


California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) is California's new system of end-of-year state assessments comprising of computer-based and paper-based assessments.  This page has been designed to provide information to parents and families about the CAASPP.  

Smarter Balanced Assessment

The CAASPP English-language arts (ELA) and mathematics test that is offered by Smarter Balanced is administered to students in grade 3- 8 and 11.  It is a computer-based assessment that provides more accurate results than traditional paper-based assessments. 

There are two parts to the ELA and math assessments: 

  • Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) capitalizes on precision and efficiency, adjusting the difficulty of questions for a more accurate measurement of the students ability.  

  • The Performance Task (PT) is used to measure capacities such as depth of understanding, research skills, and complex analysis, which cannot be adequately assessed using other item types. 



Testing Window

Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC)/ Grades 3 – 8 & 11

English Language Arts (ELA) CAT & PT

04/09/2018 - 05/25/2018  (contact the school for the testing dates)

Math CAT & PT

Parent Guides: Click the image below to view the Grade 11 guide to understanding the Smarter Balanced summative assessment.This guide provides an overview of the CAASPP ELA and math assessment and includes sample questions to help understand the areas students are assessed on: 

Parent guide image

Embedded Supports:  A number of supports have been made specifically available for students with special needs and for English Learners, while other tools can be utilized by all students.  To access information about the supports, click here

Early Assessment Program:  Grade 11 students are provided the opportunity to use ELA and math results to exempt them from taking CSU and CCC placement tests and move directly into college-level courses upon enrollment.  To learn more about this, visit our Early Assessment page here.

Student Preparation: We encourage you to take the practice/training tests with your child to see the different types of test items.  Click here and log in as a "Guest".  Other ways to prepare our child:  Preparing and Supporting Your Child (PDF).

Science Assessment

The science assessment is administered to all students in grades 5, 8 and one grade level at HS.  *The California Department of Education has assigned the high school grade; the grade assignments have been sent to the local high schools when released by CDE.  

Test/ Grades


Testing Window

Science Assessment
Grades 5, 8 & *HS 


04/09/2018 - 05/25/2018 (contact the school for the testing dates)

Alternate Assessment

The California Alternate Assessments (Cal-Alt) are assessments designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities and who have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that specifies administration of the alternate assessment.  

The CAA in ELA and math is designed for students in grades 3 - 8 and 11.  The test utilizes computer-based technology for registration and administration and has been designed to be stage adaptive, adjusting to the student's performance at selected points in the administration.   
CAA in Science (pilot) is a paper-based test designed for students in grades 5, 8 and *HS.   The test is designed with a collection of instructionally-embedded performance tasks/assignment administered by the student's primary credentialed teacher.  The testing format, dates of testing and high school grade assignments will be shared with sites once released by the California Department of Education. During the pilot phase there will no student scores available. 



Testing Window

California Alternate Assessment (CAA)

English Language Arts (ELA)

Grade 3 - 8 & 11 

04/09/2018 - 05/25/2018


Grade 3 - 8 & 11  


Grade 5, 8 & HS 

To Be Determined


CAA ELA/Math Training Test:  Try out the alternate assessment.  First, access the ELA/math CAA training guide, which contains directions and specific scripts that accompany the training test.  Next, click here and sign in as a "Guest" to the California Alternate Assessment training test.