CAASPP Resources

View California's Statewide CAASPP testing results by county, district or school by clicking here.

 Access the California Department of Education's Testing and Accountability webpage by clicking on the link: California Department of Education Testing and Accountability  

Brief student videos gives key information about the Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments and how to get additional information about testing in the State of California: 

These videos provide information about the tools and resources that are available on Smarter Balanced for student with needs: Video about the Smarter Balanced Embedded Universal Tools and other features (English video; 21:35)

Performance tasks in reading, writing, and mathematics is a part of the Smarter Balanced summative, year-end assessment. Performance tasks challenge students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world problems.  This video provides information on the performance task: Performance Task Overview Video (English video; 18:01)  

CAASPP Resources